The Empty Grave is the debut comic written by Warwick Johnson and illustrated by Dan Hale, both local Chicago comic creators and long time colleagues. It spins the supernatural tale of Annabelle Cutter, a female bounty hunter who kills a man in New Mexico, and has to deal with the repercussions of his vengeance-driven family . . .
This piece was created using technical pen on Bristol, at 11 x 17, true to print size. The figures were colored with Copic markers and black fine liners, while the background was softened with watercolor inks and colored pen. The comic strongly conveys the harsh brutality of Annabell's life and chosen career while still showcasing her as a distinctly womanly character, so I chose to display this facet of her character in a moment beside her trust horse, Wind's Child. The Empty Grave can be found online, here.
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